12 Affirmations to Bring You Wealth

Make Your Mind Match Your Money

Mindset is everything!  Do you want to acquire money? Adjust your mindset.  Do you want to keep money? Focus on your mindset. You want your money to make money? Right, it’s your mindset!  Your actions typically follow your fixed state of mind, so I dare you to align your actions with ideas from a fixed state of wealth consciousness.  

Start seeing the possibilities, and position yourself for the increase.

Develop a wealth affirmation and speak it daily, multiple times a day.  Why daily? First, it literally requires less than 30 seconds of you.  Secondly, there will always be old thoughts, current realities, and skeptical people who will get between you and what you believe.  So, what you have to do is get this idea, this thought so ingrained in your person that it would take an act of God to move you off your post.  This is your money stance, d@%$ it! 

As you become more confident in your position, your affirmation will become bolder.  It will evolve, and no one or nothing will get you off your post.  You will become a force, and that debt freedom and wealth you say you want, you will possess.  

Affirm Your Money Position and Take Your Money Stance…

  1. I attract money.  Money flows to my household often, quickly, and in abundance through multiple streams of income.  Having creative ideas to make money and having money in abundance is my new normal.  
  2. I am wealth conscious.  I deserve to have money; therefore, I will position myself for an increase and positive cash flow.  I realize I am the solution to my financial problems. I will become financially free by setting goals and educating myself while staying disciplined and consistent.  
  3. I am financially responsible. I live within my means. I set and stick with my financial goals until they are actualized.  
  4. I will leave a legacy of financial knowledge, wisdom, and wealth.  I will persistently create opportunities for multiple income streams, and my assets will be greater than my liabilities. 
  5. My household is rich in abundance.  I am a dominating force who demands a better life for my family and me.  I take actions daily to ensure wealth for my family.  I am an intergenerational wealth legacy leaver!  
  6. Because I live intentionally, I make intentional decisions about acquiring wealth.  I make consistent investments in myself to build my financial capacity to generate wealth.
  7. I am that boss-chick who will be financially healthy. I will live my life BIG.   I will be debt-free.  I will become wealthy.  I will leave a legacy.  Period! 
  8. I have positive thoughts about money.  I am responsible for making the wealth I want.  Money will find its way to me.  I have an unending collection of ideas for multiple streams of income.  
  9. I am prosperous.  I am rich in my thinking and rich in my actions.  Being broke and poor are not options for me. Money will flow easily in my life because I am strategic about my finances. 
  10. I expect to be wealthy, and I will make daily calculated moves to position myself to actualize the wealth I deserve.  I will make every effort to eliminate the need to borrow and be indebted to any other individual or entity. 
  11. I have a wealth mindset.  I develop concepts that turn into capital. I will focus on acquiring assets to deepen my pockets. Money will be a catalyst, not a deterrent, to living out my dreams. 
  12. My family will experience financial security because I will create an outpouring of wealth by strategically managing my money. I will have a never-ending stream of wealth. 

Oh, one more thing.  Queue up the challenge music.  What will be your daily money affirmation?  Use one from the post, create your own, or mash those suckers up.  I don’t care, do it.  Once you do, leave a comment, put it out in the atmosphere. 

We want to see your money stance!  

About the author

Ramona B. Williams is a Financial Wellness Educator, wife, church girl, self-professed happy napper, lover of learning, a forever teacher and a geek when it comes to stuff financial. She teaches women how to take control of their finances by strategically managing their money to acquire debt freedom and build wealth.

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