Meet Ramona

I have a confession. At one point, I was existing, barely living. So much of who I was had been portioned out in “take what you need” quantities to whoever was in line. My portion was crumbs at best. But let me tell you, by my smile, how I carried myself, and the sense of purpose and optimism I operated in became the costume I wore to mask what I was experiencing on the inside.

As life would have it, the crap hit the proverbial fan, and I had to pause and take stock. I learned I deserved more than crumbs of myself for myself and that it was and still is more than okay to reclaim my portion. So, I did!

…Then The Journey Began

I set out on a journey. I created new perimeters, new mindsets, and new nonnegotiables. The first stop on my journey was to face my finances that had been on autopilot. They weren’t positioned for obtaining wealth, and quite frankly, the level of attention I dedicated to managing my finances would’ve forever kept me in the conditioned continuous cycle of work, receive a paycheck, pay bills and repeat.

So, I adopted a wealth-conscious mindset and became intentional about my money!

Oddly enough, when I became the navigator of my finances, other areas of my life came into order and balance. The skills of discipline, consistency, and intentionality required to control my wealth were transformative for my life in general. I soon realized I wanted every woman to experience what my new path had afforded. The glory of my journey uncovered a new passion. This passion married my love for education with my genuine and sincere desire to see women use the strategic management of money as a catalyst to dream bigger, live grander, and show up in every area of life like a boss-chick. 

I am Ramona B. Williams, Financial Wellness Educator and author of How to Become a Budgeting Boss: And Position Yourself for Debt Freedom and Wealth.

I am also the founder of Money Moves Marketplace. My company aims to transform women’s lives by empowering them to become wealth conscious and passionately educating them on how to manage money and use money as a tool to become debt-free, build wealth, and leave a legacy.

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